Secondly, it’s just bloody awesome doing it. Top Ten Robot Games On The Playstation 2 Silent Line: Armored Core Mobile Suit Gundam: Zeonic Front Armored Core: Nexus Steambot Chronicles Armored Core 3. Firstly, it’s a game about a Mecha Pilot who rides on incredibly overpowered Titan frames. We also dipped into classic arcade history and added the legendary Mega Man. The first game on this list will have to be Titanfall 2 for a few good reasons. Updated November 10th, 2022, by Chris Sanfilippo: We looked at several notable series, like Danganronpa and Tekken, for our latest update.

Regardless of your fondness for the metal kind, it is hard to dispute the legacy some of these seminal robotic characters have left behind. Whether it's mysterious robots with the personality of a cowboy or nefarious villains out to ruin your day, there have been some genuinely excellent robots in video games.
Related: Two Point Campus: Guide To Robotics One of the most recognized robots in all of video gaming has to be Mega Man, particularly because the series is legendarily difficult. While many prefer being at the end of the player's gun, some have stood by players' sides through thick and thin. Robots come in all shapes and sizes, from memorable appearances in classic titles such as Half-Life to cannon fodder in titles like Binary Domain. Robots have been a familiar sight in video games for quite some time.